Pattern Meaning
Kwan-Gae is named after the famous Kwang-Gae-Toh-Wong, the 19th King of the Koguryo Dynasty, who regained all the lost territories including the greater part of Manchuria. The pattern diagram represents the expansion and recovery of the lost territory. The thirty nine movements refer to the first two figures of AD391, the year he came to the throne.
Step Move Technique Phonetic Comments
나란히서하늘손 Narani-so hanulson
1 L to R 모아준비서기 Moa junbi B sogi Posture. Force break of hands then slow circular
2 Fwd 왼군는서뒤지보지르기 Wen gunnun-so dwijibo-jirugi Slow
3 Fwd 오른군는서뒤지보지르기 Orun gunnun-so dwijibo-jirugi Slow
4 Fwd 오른군는서손바닥높은데골초막기 Orun gunnun-so sonbadak nopunde golcho-makgi Double step on ball of L foot
5 Bwd 오른니운자서손칼낮은데대비막기 Orun niunja-so sonkal najunde daebi-makgi Sliding motion
6 Fwd 왼군는서손바닥높은데골초막기 Wen gunnun-so sonbadak nopunde golcho-makgi Double step
7 Bwd 왼니운자서손칼낮은데대비막기 Wen niunja-so sonkal najunde daebi-makgi
8 Fwd 오른뒷발서손칼높은데대비막기 Orun dwitbal-so sonkal nopunde daebi-makgi
9 Fwd 왼뒷발서손칼높은데대비막기 Wen dwitbal-so sonkal nopunde daebi-makgi
10 A180 왼군는서손바닥올려막기 Wen gunnun-so sonbadak ollyo-makgi Start as if to repeat 8 - but then turn 180. Slow
11 Fwd 오른군는서손바닥올려막기 Orun gunnun-so sonbadak ollyo-makgi Slow
12 L to R 모아서하늘손손칼낮은데막기 Moa-so hanulson & sonkal najunde makgi Circle from hanulson to strike R hand striking L palm
13 눌러차기 Noollo chagi Keeping hands in place kick and look to left
14 가운데옆차지르기 Kaunde yopcha-jirugi 13 & 14 consecutive kicks
15 오른니운자서손칼높은데안으로때리기 Orun niunja-so sonkal nopunde anuro-taerigi Strike R hand. L fist just below R shoulder
16 L to R 모아서옆주먹내려때리기 Moa-so yop-joomuk naeryo-taerigi
17 눌러차기 Noollo chagi Look and kick to right. Hands remain as in 16
18 가운데옆차지르기 Kaunde yopcha-jirugi 17 & 18 consecutive. Hands remain as in 16
19 왼니운자서왼손칼안으로때리기 Wen niunja-so wen sonkal anuro-taerigi R fist just below L shoulder
20 R to L 모아서옆주먹내려때리기 Moa-so yop-joomuk naeryo-taerigi
21 Fwd 낮춰서손바닥눌러막기 Nachuo-so sonbadak noollo-makgi Slow
22 Fwd 낮춰서손바닥눌러막기 Nachuo-so sonbadak noollo-makgi Slow
23 C90 앉는서등주먹옆때리기 Annun-so dung-joomuk yop-taerigi Stamp. Ki-Yap
24 Fwd 오른군는서두팔목가운데막기 Orun gunnun-so doo-palmok kaunde makgi Now moving in opposite direction to 22
25 오른군는서바깥팔목낮은데막기 Orun gunnun-so bakat-palmok najunde makgi Slight shift back. Block with L. R arm stays as 24
26 Fwd 오른낮춰서오푼손끝높은데돌기 Orun nachuo-so opun-sonkut nopunde tulgi Pull back lead foot and then slide into stance. Slow
27 A90 앉는서등주먹옆때리기 Annun-so dung-joomuk yop-taerigi Stamp. Ki-Yap
28 Bwd 왼군는서두팔목가운데막기 Wen gunnun-so doo-palmok kaunde makgi R foot slips back to form stance
29 왼군는서바깥팔목낮은데막기 Wen gunnun-so bakat-palmok najunde makgi Slight shift back. Block with R. L arm stays as 28
30 Fwd 왼낮춰서오푼손끝높은데돌기 Wen nachuo-so opun-sonkut nopunde tulgi Pull back lead foot and then slide into stance. Slow
31 Fwd 오른군는서쌍주먹시우지르기 Orun gunnun-so sang-joomuk sewo-jirugi Stamp.
32 C90 왼군는서쌍주먹뒤지보지르기 Wen gunnun-so sang-joomuk dwijibo-jirugi Stamp.
33 가운데오른앞 차부시기 Kaunde orun apcha-busigi
34 C180 왼니운자서손칼가운데대비막기 Wen niunja-so sonkal kaunde daebi-makgi R to L then turn
35 Fwd 왼군는서앞지르기 Wen gunnun-so ap-jirugi
36 Fwd 오른군는서쌍주먹뒤지보지르기 Orun gunnun-so sang-joomuk dwijibo-jirugi Stamp.
37 가운데왼앞 차부시기 Kaunde wen apcha-busigi
38 C180 오른니운자서손칼가운데대비막기 Orun niunja-so sonkal kaunde daebi-makgi L to R then turn
39 Fwd 오른군는서앞지르기 Orun gunnun-so ap-jirugi L to R. Kwang-Gae
Modify Row

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